
Friday, July 27, 2012

A Month of Sundays

Four long months since I've posted anything, and it feels like walking into a hoarder's house; you just don't know where to start.

To make it seem more manageable, I did what I do best and made a list of post inspirations and I'm gonna be checkin' it twice until I get them written and post-dated.

From that list there should be new content up until about the time Cherub #3 enters the stage...which could be as early as three weeks. Three Weeks?! Yes, three weeks. This pregnancy has gone so fast, consumed with a blur of completed home projects, compulsively checking pinterest for nursery inspiration and a month of solo parenting thrown in during our first T-Ball season for good measure.

I did a lot of things that I've been talking a big game about for a long time; raised beds in and planted, living room color lovingly applied to the walls, wild boys in consecutive swimming lesson sessions so as to decrease the risk of drowning, knitting up a storm for my etsy shop, running in my third trimester and awkward bootcamp sessions, T-Ball for H and the list goes on. Don't worry, you'll get to read all about those projects and more over the next three weeks. And, maybe by then, I'll be so inspired by your voracious readership that I'll just keep on a'posting.

Who am I kidding? People stopped checking for new posts after about a month of absence from the blogosphere, so if you're still here, thank you-I'll try and make it worth your while!

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