Laundry folded and put away, clean sheets for everyone, and even time to sit and enjoy the beautiful fall (still summer) sunshine to knit while the kids played outside before a play date that ended in a gushing bloody nose for H, I was ready for an easy day today. Early to bed has made the early to rise of late not quite so punishing.
Don't mind my fat finger in the corner. |
This morning I gave the kids a quick breakfast at quarter to six, noting with a little wistfulness that it was still dark outside, and promised a more hearty, traditional Sunday morning meal for second breakfast. What, doesn't everyone have second breakfast on the regular?
After two cups of coffee, an almost-nap for Jack and then a second wind, a Bath and Body Works Pumpkin Cinnamon Bun candle brought H wandering out to the kitchen asking if I had already made the treat.
I quickly searched pinterest and found this Whole Wheat Pumpkin Pancake recipe on Thriving Home so that our treat could also be a relatively healthy meal. I said relatively. Using whole wheat flour, pumkin puree and coconut oil, they really aren't a terribly unhealthy option for a carb-o-licious sunday breakfast. I omitted the brown sugar because I don't ever add sugar to pancake mix. If you're going to eat them without maple syrup (an abomination if you ask me, and probably against a state law in all of New England) then by all means add the sugar. Also, stevia? Still not a fan. The only other change I made was to add some chopped pecans for a little texture.
Hot off the griddle, the kids gobbled them up and then I shoo'd them away to play with legos while I enjoyed every last bite of my still-warm trio. Slicked with Kerrygold and pure maple syrup, these aren't super pretty to look at in the photo, but they tasted beautiful.
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