I am super excited that I'm doing my first commissioned order of
hand-knit socks! The java jackets have done pretty well on
etsy, and I've also sold some infant hats, so I'm really excited that this great hobby is also helping me have a little spending money on the side as well. I think more than anything, what I miss about working is having my own money...yes, the money J makes is both of ours, but it's just not as fun to buy a birthday gift for someone with their paycheck.
I love making socks and have been making use of my library card for books like Knitting Circles Around Socks and Socks a la Carte, which are helping me to start creating my own sock patterns while still having a good foundation. (I have to admit that the two-at-once are attractive because there's no chance they'll end up wonk-tastic like the mismatched pair I made around Christmas...good times!)
Your socks always come out so cool. Glad you're enjoying it!
Any tips on using circular needles? I've cast on a couple of times only to frog it because they get all tangled.
Hey Crafty,
This is my second pair using the two circular method; if you're asking about the needles getting tangled, it may be because you're using too long of cables. If you're talking about the yarn (on two at once), once you get past the ribbing it's much easier, so I can' only suggest patience. Just taking time and making sure taht you're not rotating it too many times between untangling. Once you get going, they don't tangle as much.
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