
Tuesday, June 15, 2010

My Day In Food

We woke up this morning at the blissful time of 7:42am...yes, I remember the exact time because my kids just don't sleep that late, no matter how much of a hassle they made laying their pretty little heads the night before. I noted the lone banana, and knew I needed to give them something other than the standard banana and cereal bar, so I settled on our favorite; blueberry pancakes.
J had traded some of his home brew to one of the nurses at work for some of her farm-fresh eggs. I love that we got them on the barter system; I wish I could barter for everything. I picked two eggs and cracked them open, marveling at their gloriously large and bright centers, then gave them a quick whisk before adding the milk, melted butter and vanilla. The dry ingredients per the Joy of Cooking 'Basic Pancake' recipe have been mixed with a little creative license, using half whole-wheat flour and adding two table-spoons of wheat germ.
After pouring the batter on the buttered grill, I plopped fresh blue-berries in the circles one by one before turning them, only to hear the satisfying sizzle from the juices when they're flipped. H doesn't like blueberries, so his were plain, but C got the full experience.

Breakfast dishes cleared, mama showered, and kids adequately groomed we headed out to the park with a picnic in hand.

This afternoon, H and I went to the grocery store, and I found a basket of beautiful, local heirloom tomatoes. I just love the variety of colors in which they come and couldn't resist these bright yellow beauties on such a sunny, perfect day.
Caprese salad is one of my favorites, and when you make it with tomatoes as lovely as these, fresh basil and fresh mozzarella; it's a little slice of heaven. J and I enjoyed this for dinner this evening. Now, it's time for another little local treat. Maybe you've heard of the Vermont's got two guys' names in it? ;)


Crafty Mama said...

I remember you saying that you wanted to make it to the Ben and Jerry's factory in VT before leaving the East Coast...did you ever make it? I've lived in New England my whole life (MA, RI and NH) and have never been. That caprese salad looks miiighty tasty! And I love the Joy of Cooking, though I've never made their pancakes.

Sally HP said...

It's just a great, simple recipe. The page is a little crusty, I've used it so much. I don't even have to look it up, because you can tell from the outside now which it is :) Still haven't been to the factory :( It'll have to wait until we come back to visit now.

That Girl said...

Do we have the same JOC copy! The page in my book is exactly the same. For a little something extra, try separating the eggs, beating the egg whites and then folding them into the batter. Light, fluffy, amazing!

Sally HP said...

Oh, yum! I will try that next time!

Anonymous said...

Yum - your makings looked delicious - and I LOVE heirloom tomatoes. Too bad Oregon has had rainy weather this spring - I just don't know if our tomatoes are going to make it to "harvest" this summer. Anyway - say hello to Ben and Jerry for me. I am especially fond of Mr. Chocolate Fudge Brownie. It SOOO reminds me of Dorian hall my freshman year of college.

Sally HP said...

HA! It was Chocolate Fudge Brownie, as a matter of fact!

The Caffeinated Mommy said...

OH WOW. That's seriously making me drool. Yummy! Now I have inspiration for tomorrow night's dinner!