
Tuesday, July 29, 2008

There Were Three in the Bed and the Little One Said...

Roll Over! Roll Over! So they all rolled over, and one fell off....

Yes, it's all fun and games when it's only a song.

Remember that list of things you said you'd never do when you had kids? Yeeeeah, well, I don't know about all of you, but I swore I'd never have a bed full of people that weren't either my husband or myself.

Well, when it came time to choose between getting enough rest to be coherent the next day at work, or enforcing the law of the land, I chose sleep. While H did not sleep with us every night, there have been definite co-sleeping of which we seem to be entering yet again.

Between waking up to nurse C and allaying H's fears, I finally said fuhgedaboutit. As we've entered the potty training phase, we can't so much gate H in his room at night anymore. So, for those of you thinking a gate?! Yes, a it or leave it, sister. That brings us to the last two nights when his sweet self smashes in the middle of J and I.

It's fine until I wake up to take C to the other room to nurse. I return to find my side taken over by Mr. sweaty-two-year old, and have to heft him over only to be left with about 10 inches of, that's no sufficient for me, even when laying on my side. Why, I continually ask, does this child not desire the sharing of his father's pillow? It's a good thing the co-sleeper's there so that my ass can lop over the side of the bed without me worrying about falling.

I see those huge king-sized beds and I think in my head about those who are sleeping peacefully in them all. night. long. I feel the envy that Napoleon felt about the bike...


Amanda Villagómez said...

It's funny that you were writing a post about sleeping arrangements because I was just getting ready to do the same. It was hilarious because while I was watching the Napolean clip A was saying, "There's H. There's H." I was ready to bust up laughing how she could possibly see any resemblence between H and Napolean when I realized that H's little eyes were barely showing from the Busted post right below. Whew!

Crafty Mama said...

Sorry :( Hope it all works itself out soooonnnnn!

Run DMT said...

I totally feel your pain. Dr. Sears lied!!! We tried the family bed/co-sleeping thing for 6 years and I never slept a wink. My children would kick all night long and I would find toes tangled in my hair. Many nights, I would find myself sleeping on the counch and I couldn't take it anymore. We bought our DDs a full size bed and they sleep together in their room. Now, I can finally catch some zzzzzz in my own bed.

Susan Lindgren said...

Yes my DH works early so I have 2 in the bed and now my dd knows how to nurse without me waking- when I do I have babe attached. Yeah I said I wouldn't do it either.