
Saturday, May 23, 2009

Hey! That's My Trike!

There's a Facebook group dedicated to a cyclist in Boston. Tri-cyclist Louie Evans to be exact. He rides his trike all around Boston and you can hear him coming from a ways away...why? Because he's constantly yelling. There's speculation that he's saying "move" or just making a siren noise to warn others that he won't be stopping.

In late 2006, his trike got stolen and a group of college students and a bike store got together a benefit called "Hey! That's My Trike!" (a cover of Ethan Hawke's band Hey, that's my bike! in Reality Bites?) in order to replace his trike so he could keep on truckin'.

(In the first video, the poster said that the 'shooter' is Louie's room-mate)

And here's an article from The Boston Globe about the fundraiser, and Louie with comments by members of the community:

Local cyclist Mike Lewis, reflecting as he stopped by the bike shop on a recent afternoon, said even his headphones could not drown out the warning cry of the iconic tricyclist as he was walking on Newbury Street last month.
"All of the sudden, I saw a pair of orange flags sticking out over the heads of the people walking and everybody kind of leaning back and getting out of the way, and here he comes," he said. "It makes you smile and it makes you laugh, because it's Louie."

Who says cities are cold, impersonal places?

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