
Saturday, May 9, 2009

Thirty Going on Thirteen

Now that my third decade of life is drawing to a close, I've discovered a literary genre that has me absolutely hooked. Yep, youth lit. Why am I drawn into the high school drama of an angst-filled teen in love with a vampire? Because it's awesome, that's why! Once the Twilight series was devoured, I moved on to my more serious picks like The Abstinence Teacher and Revolutionary Road, but my teeny-bopper heart was searching for more.

My newest find was passed to me by my friend, Maggie; Sloppy Firsts by Megan McCafferty.

Sloppy Firsts: A Novel Sloppy Firsts: A Novel by Megan McCafferty

My review

rating: 5 of 5 stars

I didn't even have time to move this book from "to-read" to "currently reading" because I banged it out in a day. Then I immediately went online to request the next four from the library, in addition to her collection of essays 'Sweet Sixteen'. McCafferty has nailed the 'youth lit that will have every thirty year old woman reading the book start to finish in a day' genre, and I can't wait to follow the adventures of the "Notso" Darling, Jessica all the way to what will have to be her triumphant emergence into full-on womanhood.

I feel she could be talking about teens today, and was shocked when I stopped to calculate that Y2K was almost a DECADE ago! However, the time factor also allows me to more closely relate to the characters since I was only a sophomore in college then and high school was not quite so far removed.

For all you ladies that loved Sweet Valley High...get ready to fall in love with the series that kicks Francine Pascal's ass!

View all my reviews.

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