I am trying very hard to reserve judgement of the show, but it's hard not to build it up too much. I try to remember that had I seen only the first couple episodes of SATC before I really felt like the cast all gelled, and Carrie was still talking to the camera, I may not have been a huge fan. I have committed to watching it for at least the first full season.
I really liked the book, and I like that the characters are a lot different from those in SATC because they're in such a different place in their lives. It won't be a sad attempt to duplicate, because they're not trying to be Carrie, Charlotte, Miranda or Samantha, they were just the concoction of the same person...what could be better? I'll be excited to weigh in tomorrow morning after watching the premier tonight at 10.
Back to the eliptical; before this week, I had forgotten how much better I feel with regular exercise. My pregnant body is getting to the point that I really enjoy, because I'm truly showing, so don't care if my work-out clothes are fitted to my body, because it just makes it more obvious to prying eyes that I'm not just fat...there's actually a baby in there!
H has been doing awesome, and has consistently taken an afternoon nap EVERY DAY for the last two weeks, no struggle, no craze, just blissfull sleep for two hours every day. My pregnant friends will appreciate it, because they'll actually be getting their gifts on time now! I just submitted my taxes for review by the taxman, so here's to hoping for another year of not getting audited...
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