The race is coming up quickly, and I feel pretty prepared. I'm certainly nervous, but the course is out now, and we've run every bit of it in training, so there are no surprises. Tonight's run was rough also because I came off of a very good week. Last week, I ran both runs without stopping to walk, which felt amazing. The weekend long run was over eleven miles and it was hilly, hilly, hilly. After we'd completed it, we were told that if we could complete that run, we were golden for race day.
This evening when I felt the sun baring down on me, I started to worry; what if it's like this on race day? Although I know that it will most likely not be 99 degrees by the time I finish (hopefully before 11am), it could very well be quite uncomfortable. Runs like tonight serve only to help me not be as concerned about the effects of weather on my performance. Thanks to an incredibly unpredictable New England Spring, we've run in every weather condition from sleet and snow to insufferable heat.
I'm getting closer and closer to that thirty pound mark, and after spending the last few days hitching up my shorts, I think it's time to break down and buy a couple, since I don't see altering my current shorts happening anytime soon.
A friend from high school started a team for the Portland Marathon in October. While I won't be training for the full marathon, J has become inspired and just might. I'll be doing the 10k at the least, and the half at the most. I'm excited to have events that I'm committed to at least through the fall so that I can be motivated to continue training.
Losing this initial weight and getting into shape is making me feel more confident about presenting myself to new people when we move. This whole process of 'dating' other moms is hard work! Almost as much as getting ready for your annual exam.
With a 'four and three-quarters' year-old who's starting to express his anxiety about making new friends, I've got to be ready to hit the ground running (literally, probably!) in order to make connections. J rolled his eyes about this idea, but I'm doing it anyway; I asked the realtor for some of our new neighbors' stats and will be sending them a letter 'from H' letting them know that we're coming to town; as luck would have it, the neighbors across the street have four boys ranging in age from three to twelve. I'm all about letting my freak flag fly.
Tomorrow will be crazy busy, but I get to cap it off with...that's right: Sex and the City 2 comes out tomorrow! I'll be in the theater with a smile on my face, will you?
The photo is of me after the 11 mile run. I was SO proud of myself! We ran at just over 12 minute miles for the whole time...and no, that's not a WWF championship belt, or a really big rodeo buckle, just turned the camelbak around before they took the picture!
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