
Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Moving On Up

This continues to be a very fulfilling, addictive and 'character-building' pattern. Each time I think I've done something wrong, or that the pattern is written incorrectly, I just keep doing what it says to, count, count again and it works out. I don't know if you can see the stitch markers in the picture, but along the top, there are red and blue stitch markers. Looking from right to left, you have one just to the left of the cabled spine, and then all the way to the other cable; that is one-fourth of the blanket, and it all repeats, ending with either a k4, or 2 over 2 cable to create that spine that will look oh-so-lovely when blocked. I'm really excited about this pattern and already planning what fun colors I can do it in next. The famiy this is going to requested neutrals, so no peony or cornflower or lime green just yet.
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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

OK - seriously - this is beautiful work! Though I only knit and pearl and make scarves and caps, I can appreciate skill and talent when I see it! Someone is going to be very lucky to receive this!