That was the title of the craigslist ad that had the following text "gret gifts chose custom made or pre made.. 2, 3 or 4 tier diaper cakes for boy girl or neutral diaer wreaths towel cakes sock bouquets you will be satisfied" followed by the above photos of diaper cakes, sock wreaths and something for a wedding (I'm assuming based on the bride and groom teddies and champagne flutes crammed on the sides).
Yes, I am a hag for even blogging about this, but I read the post as I was looking for g diapers and had one of those you-weren't-prepared-to-laugh-so-your-mouth-was-closed-and-you-snorted-out-your-nose moments when I saw the pictures of the 'gret gifts'. Seriously, if I got this at a shower I don't know that I'd be able to maintain my composure. I've seen some lovely diaper cakes before, but they did not look like this. It reminds me of carnival prizes all tacked together.
I am the first to admit that I would most likely not do a whole lot better were I to pursue the diaper cake enterprise...but that is why I will not be pursuing the diaper cake enterprise.
To the baker of the cakes; I apologize if by some cosmic twist of fate you happen to read this and I hurt your feelings.
That said, seeing the photos reminded me of the episode of SATC when they go to their friend's 'purse party' and, after seeing a clutch made of her cut-up fuzzy bedspread, Samantha commented "Somebody better tell Crazy that owning a hot glue gun does not make you a hot purse designer."
Oh my god! Hysterically hideous!
Whew! You scared me for a second. It takes a while to scroll from the title to your text to realize that you didn't think they were great gifts. It wasn't long ago that you were showing the cute towel gift idea. I thought you were really losing it with your "latest" craft craze. I am relieved to see that I won't be getting any of those anytime soon!
So just to be clear, these wouldn't be a good idea for you for a next baby shower? I really can't imagine why.
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