
Sunday, April 26, 2009

Revolutionary Road

Revolutionary Road Revolutionary Road by Richard Yates

My review

rating: 5 of 5 stars
I loved this book. I went to the movie with a group of friends and there was a debate about a pretty significant point in the story, which was answered quite clearly by reading the book. I won't say what the debate was, because I don't want to give spoilers, but I feel like this was a book full of nuance and amazing language. It wasn't just another book about whiny suburbanites who feel like they're better/different than the norm. Mr. Yates deserves every ounce of praise he got for penning this book! It's not even one that you wished you'd read before the movie, because the movie in and of itself is amazing. Kate Winslett and Leonardo DeCaprio are perfectly cast in the role of the Wheelers. This book needs to be on every "New Classics" list out there!Revolutionary Road

View all my reviews.


Anonymous said...

OK - you have me. I've got to read the book AND watch the movie!


The Caffeinated Mommy said...

hooray! i follow almost all of your book suggestions and have yet to be disappointed! ;-)

Mommy to Tyler & Kendall said...

Here here!!!