After several U-Turn inducing false alarms upon my 'retrace your steps home' route, I came to the point that my logical brain told me would be the only point at which the angle of my car would have caused a hard-bound book to fly of the roof of a car with a rack on it...and an open sun-roof.
Yep, it was at the point that you go from one route to another, curving to merge. I got the finger from an irate man that was following too closely, but I also got this...
Spine up and run over several times, there were no torn pages and my book mark was still securely in its place! The affected pages now just look 'beloved'.
As I opened my door and quickly reached out in a point of traffic that may not be kind and bent to get the book the thought ran through my head 'this would be a really crappy way to die...but it is a good book so far...'
You are a book rescuer! Awesome. But please share the name of the book!
Hooray!! You are now reunited and can see how the book ends. What a way to go....not only would you be squashed like a bug in an accident, you wouldn't know how it ends! :)
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